Ko Tuhirangi te maungaKo Tutaekurī te awaKo Takitimu te wakaKo Ngāti Kahungunu te iwiKo Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Maahu, Ngai Tāwhao ngā hapūKo Moteo te maraeKo Rangimarie te whare nuiKo Hamuera te whare kaiKo Paora Kaiwhata te tangata
Learn about our role in Ngāti Kahungunu and our commitment to whānau and community
Discover venue hire, workshops, and events for whānau, schools, and community groups
View photos of our marae and community events, capturing special moments and experiences
Listen to our traditional songs and performances that celebrate our heritage and culture
Explore Moteo Marae’s sacred spaces, including the marae, wharekai, and urupā online.
Immerse yourself in 360-degree experiences of Moteo Marae and its urupā.
Discover the latest developments, events, and cultural initiatives happening at Moteo Marae.
Browse a curated collection of images showcasing Moteo Marae’s cultural heritage and community events.
Read our traditional songs and performances that celebrate our heritage and culture